Saturday, October 22, 2016


Hi to all my friends in Mrs. Darling's class at Paton School! I'm in Puerto Rico with my family for eight weeks and I'll be home-schooled during that time.  I'm looking forward to sharing some of what I do and what I learn with you.


The first time I saw an Iguana it grabbed my attention. It was giant!
It had a spiky back and striped tale. I saw at least five iguanas the first day I was here. I saw them in a park, walking on the grass, and climbing on trees. Have you ever wondered about where Iguanas live? Green Iguanas live in the north of Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean Islands and southern Brazil. They spend most of there time in trees except when they are mating, laying eggs or finding a new tree. Some people keep Iguanas as pets! But if they do, they only stay alive for about a year. If they’re kept as pets they feed on dark green leafy vegetables, yellow, red, orange and green peppers, beans, and a lot more. If you ever see an Iguana you will be amazed. They are really cool animals.

Here are some of the iguanas I saw!


1 comment:

  1. Hello Claire! We miss you in room 9. We have been busy learning about writing with details and learning how to subtract. It is sad to see your desk empty every day but I am so glad you have this opportunity to learn about a new place.
    Would you like to hear from your classmates? I will ask them to post a comment too. We will check back here often to see what you are learning.
    Miss you!
    Mrs. Darling
