Monday, October 31, 2016

Halloween in Puerto Rico

Many places around the world celebrate Halloween but they all celebrate it differently. Here in our neighborhood in Puerto Rico, we celebrated Halloween on Sunday. There was a party at the park  with treats. There were a lot of kids with creative costumes. I dressed up as a cat and my brother used make-up to look like he'd been in a fight. We dressed in costumes that would keep us cool since the weather is so warm.

One of the kids was dressed up as Rey from the new Star Wars movie. One of the boys was dressed like Zorro. One kid was dressed like a vending machine! I was surprised because almost all of the kids spoke English.

After about an hour, we went trick or treating altogether  Our neighborhood is a mix of apartments and houses. About seven houses had decorations so we knew we could trick or treat there. Some of the adults and kids were saying a chant that went like this:

Halloween, tricortri
dame chavos, no mani

This means:
Halloween, trick or treat
Give me money, not peanuts

At home in Shrewsbury, we usually have a little party at our friend's house then go trick or treating after that. Many of the houses have Halloween decorations so we have a lot of houses to visit.

 I think it was interesting to spend Halloween in Puerto Rico.


  1. Puerto Rico sounds like a lot of fun and also really interesting! I would love to go there some day!

  2. I also would like money instead of peanuts for Halloween!
