Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Spanish Explorers

About 500 years ago, there was time period called the Renaissance. It was a time when people were curious about a lot of things: art, music, writing, and exploring new places. Spain sent out many explorers to find gold, land, and people to turn into Christians.

Puerto Rico is one of the places where Spanish explorers settled.  Christopher Columbus was the first European to discover it.  On his second voyage, he brought a person named Juan Ponce de Leon.  
This is a picture of Juan Ponce de Leon from another website.

 Juan Ponce de Leon became the governor of Puerto Rico. After that, the king sent Juan Ponce de Leon to find a special fountain called the Fountain of Youth. It was called this because people thought that drinking the water from it would let you live forever. This fountain was supposed to be in Florida. The name Florida means full of flowers. They failed at finding the Fountain of Youth.

The Spanish explorers were very important because they changed history. They brought their culture to Puerto Rico and changed it forever.

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